Our team is excited to work with you!

Meet our Plant Growth Professionals

~$11.6MM in capital improvements
during FY22 and FY23

53 greenhouse compartments for
Research and Instruction

31 Conviron chambers.
16 held for flexible use.
9 supporting BSL-2 research.

100% Compartments with Cooling Systems
79% Compartments with
Supplemental Lighting

~7,500 sq-ft expansion for facilities by Georgia H.B. 81 Appropriation

58% of our chambers have dimmable LED lighting

The future location of the multi-disciplinary greenhouse will surround the recent cool-season greenhouse construction.
3D model visualization of Plant Growth Facilities new greenhouse.
CAES Multi-Disciplinary Greenhouse Addition
Plant Growth Facilities added approximately 8,000 square feet of greenhouse and support spaces tailored to agricultural and horticultural plant research at our Riverbend Greenhouse Complex. Construction began late-August '22 and was completed December '23. The facility features Wadsworth SEED environmental controllers, Adiabatic Cooling, Supplemental LED lighting, Automated-Irrigation Solenoids, Insect Exclusion, Sample Processing Spaces and more.
Pamela Lewis with student assistants Justin Cline and Ellen Jones.


2426 Growth Chamber Expansion

Our newest growth chamber facility was finished in November 2021. The area features 12 Conviron chambers, 5 of which are reservable for use by CAES programs. You can view time slots available for research and current reservations at our greenhouse and growth chamber reservation page.


Photos of the 2426 Growth Chamber Room Expansion


PGF Growth Chamber Availabilities



Get to know our plant growth professionals

Pamela Lewis with student assistants Justin Cline and Ellen Jones.


Graduation decor by PGF's Pam Lewis

Pamela Lewis has been cultivating flowers and plants for the CAES convocation ceremonies for a decade. Following the event, she carefully selects the best remaining plants and donates them to nursing homes and assisted living facilities in the Athens area.

Poinsettias hold a special place in Lewis’ heart as her favorite horticultural crop. In their native habitat, these plants bloom in response to shorter day lengths. To ensure their proper growth during winter, we employ blackout tents to prevent light drift.

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Daniel Gershon

Daniel earned a B.S.A. in Horticulture from the University of Georgia in 1992. His decades of experience began when he was a student working at the UGA Trial Gardens. In 1998, he established Apple Cart Horticultural Services, Inc, a successful landscaping business. By 2010, he joined the Grounds Maintenance team at UGA where he supervised a crew for thirteen years. He enjoys family outings, plant propagation, restoring motorized vehicles and equipment, and giving tours of his cherished gardens.

Facility updates

Greenhouse M1 with the roof polycarbonate removed and the end wall replaced.


Greenhouse M1 thru M3 Polycarbonate Replacement

These greenhouses were built in 2008. Over time the polycarbonate has degraded from UV radiation. This impacts the quantity and spectral composition of the light transmitted through the polycarbonate panels to the plant leaves. CAES - Office of Teaching, CAES-Office of Research and Plant Growth Facilities are funding new paneling! Expected completion is early-June 2022.

South Milledge Greenhouses following the replacement of old polycarbonate panels.
Plant growth professionals working on the evaporative cooling pad update


Evaporative cooling pad update

Our facilities include 52 greenhouse compartments on three sites in Athens. Thirty-six percent of the compartments required almost 800 new cooling pads. Combining an order of this size allowed us to purchase with economies of scale. The savings were directed back into the cooling media by "double-dipping" many of the pads to extend their expected life from five years to an average of eight.

PGF's 1st Cool-Season Greenhouse


PGF's first cool-season greenhouse

Our facilities have expanded to include 600 square feet of cool-season greenhouse space to support Robin Buell's genomics research program. The greenhouse will be completed this May. These compartments will be a part of the larger multidisciplinary greenhouse expansion scheduled to begin construction in late-July 2022.

View Cool Season Greenhouse Photos

White Fly Grant


Whitefly grant

Thanks to a whitefly grant award, our entomology department's old greenhouse has been updated with supplemental lighting, area trench drains, insect-exclusion vestibules, new glazing and many other features. The greenhouse now has five compartments all capable of BSL-2 certification.

View Entomology Greenhouse Photos

Riverbend Soil Shed Update
Soil Shed 2 - 1


Riverbend soil shed update

We have removed an unused raw material bunk in our Riverbend soil shed to increase the amount of mixing and sterilizing space and increase the amount of palletized media that we can have on hand.

groundnuts CAES News
UGA supports African research network breeding climate-adapted peanuts
More than 4,000 miles separate the capital cities of Senegal in West Africa and Uganda in East Africa. Yet both countries grow peanuts and, like other countries across Africa, farmers there rely on peanuts as a food and cash crop. Five years ago, the researchers who help those farmers – plant breeders from Uganda, Senegal and seven other African countries – formed an organization called the Groundnut Improvement Network for Africa, or GINA, to develop peanut varieties that help African farmers deal with plant diseases and climate change.  
Poison ivy in a forested area. CAES News
Detect and protect: Expert tips to identify and control poison ivy
Poison ivy is a common poisonous plant in Georgia and is infamous for causing allergic reactions for as many as 50 million Americans annually. To manage it effectively and safely, it's important to understand its traits and use the right control methods to deal with this troublesome plant. Mark Czarnota, an associate professor in the University of Georgia Department of Horticulture, provides helpful tips to distinguish poison ivy from common look-alikes and shares several ways to control the irritating plant.
The Asian tiger mosquito has been recognized among the world's top 100 worst invaders according to the Global Invasive Species Database. It has an aggressive daytime human-biting behavior and can vector many viruses, including dengue fever and West Nile virus. CAES News
Help prevent the spread of dengue fever
As overnight temperatures increase during the summer, so do mosquito populations, bringing with them the risk of mosquito-borne diseases. In late June, the Centers for Disease Control warned that the U.S. is seeing an increased risk of dengue fever, a sometimes fatal viral disease transmitted by mosquitoes. This disease has been across much of South and Central America and the Caribbean, and with about 1,500 cases, the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico has declared a public health emergency over dengue.